so, i know this is a bit late, but how do i open the uber harvester
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Markin i know its 2021 now but its on top of the buyable houses

in discussion OC / MapDB / Map Comments » DEλD CITY - Pre-release
Well, Well, this is good map. but speaking about the Tank, There is safety spot. yes. If you stay on the bus, Tank can't attacking player. that mean, solo Tank is Possible…
I thought I would supress enemies but all it ended up doing was supressing my erection.
No man left behind, unless hes too injured to bother helping…
I thought this would have functional helicopters like arma 3 or rising storm 2 but no they don't work :( they are stuck in the ground and cant take off. me and my friends were disappointed and just played oc_fireteam 1 and 2 for the millionth time.
No man left behind, unless hes too injured to bother helping…

in discussion OC / MapDB / Map Comments » Eastern Europe Texture Pack

in discussion OC / MapDB / Map Comments » Eastern Europe Texture Pack

in discussion OC / MapDB / Map Comments » (DB) Mass converting Vtfs into Jpgs
Ey there, maybe a bit late but this is a great guide, helped me uncover the pile of trash of the downloaded sprays folder within source games. Thanks, i didnt knew vtfedit had this feature.

in discussion OC / MapDB / Map Comments » Moe GlaDOS Factory (OC remix)
Can anyone reupload the plugin please?I got error 404 in that website.Without the plugin,I can't play this map with my friends :(
I can run the map fine, but I cannot find the refinery to convert fish and diamonds into money. Where would that be?
Im Trying to play this map ive downloaded it and put it into the maps folder in the mod but its not appering in the maps selection idk what im doing wrong.
Jumping temporarily gets you stuck in the ground, otherwise the map is great.
(I am using oc_island1_v13)
I've uploaded the Version 7m
I've played this map over the length of the years far more than I've played actual card games. Kinda wish it had its own standalone release now.
where is da link?
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Hey I tried playing island 2 but it keeps crashing my game. Can you update it please?
This mod is so cool i played with my friends i really enjoyed
There is a tunel under the sea you should find it.
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